Monday, October 19, 2009 al..

i had coffee with a friend Sunday morning. The subject of Mentors came up several times. It made me think about how important the process has been to me. How being Mentored has made me a stronger, stable more self reliant member of the community. Everyone thinks it was a sexual experience. More about being naked, both literally and figuratively but safe and secure. intimate Oh! Yes! Sexual, yes, but not in the porn star view most have. but it was a life lesson experience. Less about protocols and what side to wear your keys. More about values, trust, feelings and honesty . Things that are universally important in every relationship M/s, Husband /wife, team mates,
Never being one to allow myself to get too comfortable, i will be taking on some new responsibilities. i hope to contain all drama to polite, private emails and civil coffee meetings (So help me, Miss Manners). However my path takes me, i am truly looking forward to my new adventures serving the community and helping to raise money for the most inspirational Scholars in the world

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Unity in the Community

It's amazing how easy it is to be manipulated. How threatened some can be over anothers success. i really believe that i fell to prey to such a plan this week and hope i didn't lose a friend in the process. i guess everyone has their agenda and am always surprised when mine and theirs are not the same, even as we work together for a similar goal.
It's also amazing when you discover just who your friends really are. I have mentioned in earlier posts about being surprised when someone unexpected lends a hand and helps in a very profound way. It's great when things are going your way and everybody likes you, but it's the ones who are still around helping to clean up after the party is over, that are really your friends. i have had a few, i didn't expect, show them selves this week, and for that i am profoundly grateful.