Friday, August 7, 2009

I guess I'm going to enter...May God have mercy on my soul

Where did the journey start? Father's day dim sum? No, it was already careening out of control by then. It all started innocently enough. May early June maybe, someone said "why don't you enter the Northwest leather boy contest". Simply enough, No popped out of my mouth and I figured that was the end of it. I hadn't realized that resistance was futile and that was just the seed that had been planted. By father's day, I guess I was ripe. That afternoon, I found myself sitting next to a former International Ms Leather title holder, who shared with me a lot of insight and a LOT of information. By that evening, I was pretty sure that I would take the plunge.

It's true I love attention, but I also had a clear goal, that didn't have anything to do with me. My main reason for entering is to raise money for the Tony De Blase Scholarship. A project, I have been involved with ever since my then Mentor said at dinner one night in, about starting a scholarship. I think even then, He had even planned on naming it the Tony De Blase scholarship, so He must have been working on the project a while before telling announcing His intentions.

That's when the fund raising began. That's when the fun started. Boot, Buzz and BBQ's at the Seattle Eagle became a regular event. I was the grill guy. What fun. Cruise the bar without leaving the patio. almost every event netted me a new set of phone numbers and generally one good date a month! Oh yeah, we made a few hundred dollars at each of the BBBB events too.

Over a course of a couple years, the scholarship was 'endowed' meaning my Mentor's dream was a reality and although very small, the scholarship could pay out of the interest it was earning. This , for those who don't know, is a VERY big deal. remeber I was flipping hamburgers, others were shining boots and giving and getting clipper cuts. This wasn't the A list writting checks at a black tie gala. It was working class gay men donating time talent and tips to accomplish our goal

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